![]() Hola Jenna and Dan Great to meet you guys today. You never know what the taxman has in stock for his kindred children. Looking through your web site I have the feeling that the Animal Liberation Orchestra and the Chemystry Set will soon meet to take a ride together on that wonderful vehicle called music. Let the grand moments come to you from places that you never knew. Peace and lots of inspiration to y'all. Sven the muffin man Sven Eberlein <[email protected]> San Francisco, CA - Saturday, March 04, 2000 at 18:42:57 (EST) Hey when is the next SF show? I need to practice my singing. Just kidding. This is Pete. I haven't seen the band in a while. I made a copy of the Bolinas show and will give it to you at the next gig. How was the tour? - Pete Sharkman <[email protected]> SF, CA - Wednesday, March 01, 2000 at 21:22:18 (EST) we caught your show twice in tahoe and really enjoyed your music and fun spirit-i was so impressed that you could just figure out and play a song from Creedance Clearwater Revival! I guess it it like giving a math problem to a mathematician- he just figures it out! Keep up the entertainment!! xxxxoooo cyndy - Friday, February 25, 2000 at 16:38:37 (EST) I love the Animal Liberation Orchestra. They really rock me in my booty. When I listen to ALO, I feel as though I may vomit in my own shoe. But then I don't . . . I take two steps back and one forward and begin to do my ALO jig. That's how I know I love ALO. anne marie mcneil <[email protected]> SF, CA USA - Thursday, February 24, 2000 at 19:32:41 (EST) Hey Fella and Jenna if you read this b4 you leave Park go over the the liqor store at prospecter square and find my sis in law and Kim and tell her hey for me would cha? She works days and hey buy something while yer there. Have fun in PC LOVE, kELLY KElly Pritchard <[email protected]> Isla Vista, ca usa - Thursday, February 24, 2000 at 07:41:22 (EST) Hey Guys (Zach,Dan,Steve,and Matt)- Long time no speak!!! Heard about your website and wanted to check it out. I'm sure it's a trip hearing from me, but I was reminiscing about old times and I wanted to say hello and see how you all were doing. I've been living in Los Angeles for the past few years working my ass off and trying to make the best of life. Anyways, hope everything is going well and you guys are enjoying life. It would be great to hear from you guys, to catch up, so send me an e-mail if you guys get a chance. Your Bro- SCOTT GREENHUT Scott Greenhut <[email protected]> Los Angeles, CA USA - Sunday, February 20, 2000 at 07:12:27 (EST) A.L.O- i saw you guys last night at the cafe in Fairfax for my first time and now I'm hooked!!Please come back to play in the bay area ssooonnnnn!!keep funk alive!!:):):):) Alena Bliss <[email protected]> Napa, Ca. U.S. - Friday, February 18, 2000 at 17:04:31 (EST) Just seen the guys last night. Absolutely electrifying. All I wanted to do was get down and boogie, but there was no dance floor. Can't wait to see them in S.F. at a hopefully bigger venue. Keep funk alive. Kevin Carlin <[email protected]> Napa, CA USA - Friday, February 18, 2000 at 12:06:42 (EST) These guys are good. Make no mistake about it. Yessiree Bob, darn tootin. Tell your friends about 'em. Pretty soon this era will appear in bootlegs throughout the world, "ALO and LAG: The Bar Years" SO it is written! Catch em while you can still smell em. Leslie <[email protected]> San Fucking Francisco, CA California (i'm for secession from the Union - Tuesday, February 15, 2000 at 01:42:29 (EST) Steve, what the hell, why do we play these games with one another, you know how i feel, and I know how you feel, why can't we feel together, is it so wrong for two people who love each other to be together. I made you what you are and you at least owe me that. you nasty bastard, don't even bother calling me i have had it, Oh god, I'm sorry i didn't mean to loose my temper, please for give me, it's these damn sedatives. Understand me sugar, if you love some one set them free? chrisy, laurens room mate. <[email protected]> napa, CL wine country - Wednesday, February 09, 2000 at 18:49:46 (EST) Hay To All!! Really enjoyed seeing you play on Christ's Birthday at THE BRIT near the turn of the millennium. Been road trippin since then and hope to see you in Truckee soon!!~Take Care Eric H-earthdog...http://www.earthdog.org Eric Hanson <[email protected]> Anytown, USA - Tuesday, February 08, 2000 at 18:05:05 (EST) aloha nui loa... you rock and i was so excited to see you at your final show at 'nick's'... jenna, i would love to get a copy of that recording from that last show... thank you for recording!!! have a wonderful day brian lillie <[email protected]> los gatos, ca 95030 - Wednesday, January 26, 2000 at 14:34:14 (EST) Hey fellas, just wanted to say that I enjoyed seing you again. We've had some good times huh? From warm flat beer at the Rockstar, to Extravaganza, to a certain mindbending Phish show in Ventura (wink wink Steve). I've enjoyed having you guys as musical influences, our Program Board "safety net", and as friends. Good luck in the future, Anders Anders Bergstrom <[email protected]> Santa Barbara, CA - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 17:34:57 (EST) I was stoked to see the video you guys put up on the website. I also noticed that the opening picture when you go to lagmusic.com changes every time I go there. Thats cool. Keep up the good music, dont let the corporate monster chomp you up into a capitalist cringer. -r Robert Binkley <[email protected]> Santa Clara, CA FRO - Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 21:26:02 (EST) Check out the new MP3's available in the MUSIC pages, the final remixed versions of Chilly, Daddy, and Hot Tub. I am looking into being able to stream music through the website. If anyone has any suggestions for how to get started, email me please! Also in the works... live shows compiled and available through mailorder, ALO videos from HCfilms and PowersPhilms, the COMMUNITY pages, a new yahoo-based online store, and much much more! Stay tuned. Steven <[email protected]> San Francisco, CA 94110 - Sunday, January 09, 2000 at 06:51:27 (EST) probando probando probando hank guadalajara, jal mex - Monday, January 03, 2000 at 06:40:44 (EST) yes yes yes! I cant wait to see you guys down in LA. A friend of mine brought back a bootleg recording from a show somewhere in Santa Barbara and it is great! Look forward to hearing more soon. dr dick los angeles, ca - Sunday, January 02, 2000 at 19:28:20 (EST) clapper <[email protected]> SF, CA USA - Wednesday, December 29, 1999 at 07:23:55 (EST) Wow, Great tour photos, man. Who's your photographer? You should really give that guy credit, he's really talented. Is it true that Ratboy is a male prostitute? Is it true that he was born in Lithuania? How much does he charge? Can he whisper Lithuanian in my ear? If you guys have any nude photos, please send 'em. I love you guys you're the best, keep up the great work. I have all your CDs! When are you guys going to come to Knoxville? Aufwiederlesen Y'all Ser JuanCompos ��) JuanCompos <[email protected]> KnoxVegas, TN USofA - Friday, December 24, 1999 at 03:37:29 (EST) Hey Zach, Steve, and Dan! It's great to know that you guys have made it so far! I've loved your music since I've known you guys (high school), and I'm glad that I've found you again thanks to Will Clapham. I look forward to seeing you guys play one of these days when you're in the area. Do you happen to have any more of your first D'Jango album (the one with "Save Me This Dance")? I'd love to get my hands on that album and as well as on the rest of your albums! Keep up the music! You guys are awesome! Clarissa (Crissy Tam) Raffanelli <[email protected]> Campbell, CA USA - Sunday, December 12, 1999 at 11:39:21 (EST) I have a recording studio,and am always looking for people that play interesting music. Thanks for your invention. Gregg Wilson <[email protected]> Baldwinsville, NY USA - Friday, December 10, 1999 at 21:08:37 (EST) Dear Fellow Musicians, Hello there. My name is Leo, and I'm a 26 year old drummer looking for an original band. If anyone you know is seeking an experienced and versitile drummer, would you please pass this message along? Thanks! I started drumming at age 14, spent four years at Berklee, and I'm currently studying with Bob Gullotti from The Fringe. My favorite bands: Phish, MMW, The Slip, The Fringe, Bela Fleck, The Police, and Zappa. I'm looking for an original band that has 10+ gigs per month, a following, and is committed to their project 100%. I'm hard-working, easy to get along with, and I'm willing to relocate. Also, I have a car and a great sounding kit. Call or E-Mail anytime (413)582-9151, [email protected] Peace. Leo Sharamitaro <[email protected]> Northampton, MA USA - Wednesday, December 08, 1999 at 10:53:11 (EST) probando, probando hank - Wednesday, December 01, 1999 at 21:33:24 (EST) Cool site! Love that "girl" - got me groving big time. Big slap to everyone. gotta go. righton Funky down time dude in Seattle <funkydowntimedudeinseattle> Seattel, Wa USA - Friday, November 26, 1999 at 18:47:35 (EST) The Baroness is one foxy creature. Bring the band to "the heart of it all", and bring some new ideas for our state motto. Out Cornelius <[email protected]> Athens, OH U-S-of-A - Saturday, November 20, 1999 at 03:53:04 (EST) Dan Steve & Zach, What's up. We always seem to be in different towns the day after/before you fellas. We should really hook up some time and play a show together. Happy Trails and good luck in SF. CWC Jesse Tyre-Karp <[email protected]> Santa Barbara, ca USA - Friday, November 19, 1999 at 22:56:36 (EST) Hey Steve, Well now that my sister came to madrid and visit I finally got to listen to your cds. You guys have really cool songs, I'm sure you'll do well. Don't forget to send me your new cds!!! Take Care, Dan sarrouf Dany Sarrouf <[email protected]> Madrid, Spain - Wednesday, November 10, 1999 at 17:10:59 (EST) Hola, amigos! Thank you for all the support with the website. I really appreciate all the feedback and help. Things have only just begun!! My meetings with Ernesto have been successful to say the least and there is a lot in store for lagmusic 2000! Congratulations and thank you to ALO, you guys amaze me day in day out. Be sure to keep a watch here at the website to keep on movin' with ALO into the new year. In mind, body, and soul... Mudbone. steve a <[email protected]> sf, ca - Sunday, November 07, 1999 at 23:38:21 (EST) Que viva el ANIMAL LIBERACION ORQUESTRA. muy bien. D�ceurdo con sean un tour en europa would be super especialmente in espa�a. The madrile�os will love you. mucho amor, sandrita. gigante chico - Monday, November 01, 1999 at 13:28:16 (EST) I have to agree with Zong. Rue, a great job. You deserve a tummy rub. To set up a European Tour please contact! Auf Wiedersehen..... Shen Cochrane <[email protected]> Furstenfeldbruck, n/a Germany - Friday, October 22, 1999 at 03:50:54 (EDT) ANIMAL LIBERATION ORCHESTRA FOREVER!!!!!!!!!! Theurgic Seed Eugene, OR USA - Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 00:26:37 (EDT) Steve Adams rules!!!! Thanks for the web site!!! Tim Reeves <[email protected]> Chico, CA 95926 - Monday, October 18, 1999 at 02:56:07 (EDT) After listening to the late night lot jam at Stafford Lake Music Festival (10.2.99), I decided to watch you guys instead of KVHW...I have to say that I made the right choice. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Shine On ALO, ~Bridget <[email protected]> San Jose, Ca - Tuesday, October 05, 1999 at 21:23:13 (EDT) Hey Steve, tell your mom thanks for giving me your web address. I can't believe you guys are all still together (with one exception, of course) and I can't believe you guys are going to IV for Haloween. I haven't been there in years and I didn't think anyone went there anymore. Whatever. Keep it up homeboys. CB crispy <[email protected]> toga, CA USA - Friday, October 01, 1999 at 14:41:56 (EDT) i think Steve Adams should get an award, this web site, is great, In just a short time, steve has gone from web observer, to web master, i am amazed at what you have done for lagmusic .com I am so proud of you. i will personally see to it that you will get what you deserve... a certificate of appreciation. zach gill <zach@lagmusic> - Friday, September 24, 1999 at 19:16:11 (EDT) Very cool site! It is very entertaining and a great way to see what new with the LAGgers... I will probably see y'all at the Halloween celebration in IV... :-) Tor Tor <[email protected]> Santa Barbara, CA - Friday, September 17, 1999 at 20:04:35 (EDT) Nice work on the website guys! The tour journal is great. Are any of the shows from the tour available on cassette or anything? I'll catch you guys Halloween in IV. Keep it up! Jon - Friday, September 10, 1999 at 23:14:22 (EDT) Someone told me I could contact my long lost brother through this website. I have been out of the country for the last few years researching the music of Lithuania (cool stuff) and I just returned home today. So where's my brother?? It seems that you laggers are as lost as me. Where's Ernesto?! harriet fealdt <[email protected]> tulare, ca - Saturday, September 04, 1999 at 04:22:12 (EDT) We are from the deserts of kosovo. I have always been intrigued by american music and so recently an ALO CD was given to me by a U.N. peacekeeper. I am learning to play guitar and bass from this collection of songs and I thank you for this opportunity to participate in the american dream. Does the ALO plan a trip to the former yugoslavia any time soon? I can assure you will be most appreciated. Given the situation, the music from the second half of the CD(acoustics) will be better. Agdab Umikovich strebenica, kosovo - Saturday, August 28, 1999 at 00:18:31 (EDT) i love the guestbook. where's ernesto?? ledbone - Thursday, August 26, 1999 at 20:08:35 (EDT) hey rat boy the web page looks so gooed and the tour journal is really fun to read, nice work man gonachathon <stonage@shicky> - Tuesday, August 24, 1999 at 21:36:28 (EDT) The web page looks great. I am curious to hear about the wedding and all the sizzlin events. Hope all is well with the crew and I will see you all soon in good ol SB. love, sandrita The little giant! - Wednesday, August 18, 1999 at 00:55:39 (EDT) I picked up the Magnum Family tape from zach when he was playin acordian downtown a couple years ago, and since then I've been HOOKED! You guys are the best & we miss you in town... PLEASE release a live CD soon! (double or tripple disc is ok with us!!) do it for the fans... :) Dr. Funk SB, CA - Thursday, August 12, 1999 at 19:24:00 (EDT) Hey Guys, I finally got hooked up online. I saw our Sister(Amy)Christian and Mr. Brown opening The Woodstock Festival on TV last week, which reminded me of you guys. Zach had given me a CD, and email address the last time i saw ya'll at the Gate to Hell(The Highlander), the Venue to see in the South. I've been listening to the CD all week, and i'm sharing it with my friends, who all think its a real Gas. It is, i explain," This is a Band you Have To See Live, in as Many Places as You Can". I'm glad i found ya'll again. Rich Rich (formally Mushroom Richard?) <[email protected]> Formally Augusta>>>Now Atlanta, GA - Tuesday, August 10, 1999 at 11:29:52 (EDT) Hey guys. When are you getting your LAG-asses back on the road again? Miami rules! Lots of third-world cleavage to be found here. miss your groovy sounds, heidi Heidi Dierssen <[email protected]> Miami, DFL USA - Sunday, July 18, 1999 at 17:37:18 (EDT) You guys are dope. It reminds me of when we used to rage on the cliffs and throw piss'n vinegar balloons at them. Those bastards. Yeah, we used to do it all. Hey, Ernesto, why don't you return my calls? You still have the master tapes to my song "I See Dreamy" remember? Please call me back, you have the number. I'm playing in a bossa nova group called "Kiel-Bassa Nova", so whenever you come my way, make sure you make it to Marty's so you can here us play dude. Jens Jagenschild Choda Bay, RI USA - Tuesday, July 13, 1999 at 16:30:55 (EDT) good to see you guys kick ass up there. when you guys left it became painfully clear to me how much i was going to miss good music in IV, since there is none now. by the way, i don't think you could have got a better drummer suited to your style, all of us in tight pants agree he's super phat. talk to y'all next time you're in town. val <[email protected]> goleta, ca here - Thursday, July 01, 1999 at 18:28:44 (EDT) you guys are cool. dan, where is tegan's kelly-jo phelps cd? she will kill me if I don't bring it to her.. -jane jane zimmerman <[email protected]> San Francisco, ca afghanistan - Tuesday, June 29, 1999 at 19:16:30 (EDT) Dudes, everytime I see you play I see new twists, exciting thrills, and crazy improv (The Camilla stuff). I finally got to hang out with Ernesto at your last show, he speaks highly of you all...He said that he has not seen many groups that can communicate like you do, and I agree. Play brothers...play. Rob Robert T. Binkley <[email protected]> Santa Clara, CA USA - Monday, June 28, 1999 at 23:18:21 (EDT) Hello fellow San Miguelians. I am so blown away!!! Lovin One Size Fits All. It was great to see you all in SB. Now come to San Diego!!! Dey Deyanira Vallejo <[email protected]> San Diego, CA U.S.A. - Monday, June 21, 1999 at 02:13:42 (EDT) Hello boys. I just checked out your web-page down here in the Universidad Austral de CHile computer lab and I must say I am super duper impressed ya�all! �Estoy muy contenta por su exito! �Besos del sur! -Tegan Tegan Zimmerman <[email protected]> - Monday, June 07, 1999 at 20:55:16 (EDT) Great new site! Kudos to your pagemaker! You guys continue to ROCK and make me proud. See you soon at one of your local gigs. Clark Steinmetz <[email protected]> San Jose, CA USA - Saturday, June 05, 1999 at 07:56:15 (EDT) Contact is all we need.... Nate Johnson <[email protected]> Middlebury, VT USA - Thursday, May 27, 1999 at 11:18:32 (EDT) Hey boys! Nice page, man! Some of this stuff I had no idea about, other stuff I lived through. I miss watching you guys play, tell whatsername (Jenna?) to get you more gigs!! Keep up the awesome groove, be true to yourself and show the world what the F your made of! Zelly <[email protected]> San Francisco, CA - Wednesday, May 26, 1999 at 20:47:31 (EDT) Steves personal bio is the best, dan and zach you guys lag, but i guess you know that, I love the muscic, so much el cajon - Thursday, May 13, 1999 at 18:53:09 (EDT) congrats on your new soundtrack cd for the independent film maker. I really enjoy the website and the international comments.- You guys are soooo cute! cyndy <[email protected]> campbell, ca santa clara - Tuesday, March 30, 1999 at 17:27:42 (EST) Hi Steven Are you the cute guy..playing the base?? Do you play Blues Music? Let me know,if you do after 08/99. I probably will be in your area during Fall. Mail me a list of your concert events and the types of CDs you have for Blues music. Have fun and hope to meet you soon Arushie Arushie <[email protected]> Kandy, Sri Lanka - Tuesday, March 30, 1999 at 17:23:42 (EST) Wow, who is that cute Steve Adams guy? Great Website, fellas! Keep on rockin'! Fondly, Tenaya Tenaya Soderman <[email protected]> Los Gatos, CA USA - Tuesday, March 30, 1999 at 13:37:34 (EST) One percent away forever!!!! When are you heading out to Boulder, I keep waiting to see LAG at the Fox, but you better get here soon..I'm out in May Rock on....see youall this summer in lovely saratoga Clayton Dusel` <[email protected]> - Tuesday, March 30, 1999 at 13:09:50 (EST) Hey Laggers! How's it going up there in San Francisco? Are you playing around? I just checked out your calendar, and I see you're planning another tour... is Santa Fe considered a "Ski town?" We do have a ski hill here, so come on! The Glueys are playing in San Francisco on Thurs. March 25 at the Paradise Lounge, so go check 'em out if you all don't have a gig... I put the Glueys URL in here, so check out the website for tour dates in California. I'll be out in beautiful CA for part of the tour, but not in SF. I will be in Berkeley to see Neil Young on the 19th though! Can't wait for that! By the way, where is David Brogan???? Tell him to call me or email me or something... Love you guys! Web Web <[email protected]> Santa Fe, NM USA - Wednesday, February 17, 1999 at 21:05:03 (EST) Steve i met you up in the hills we exchanged numbers and you never called me, but I kept calling you all the time until finally your mother asked me to stop calling, i don't under stands why she does that? sam stevenson <none> - Monday, February 15, 1999 at 23:15:21 (EST) The site was really developed since my last visit. I'm discovering corners of a world I never imagined. I love the sexy silver side bar and the font choices are aesthetically pleasing. Keep up the nice work. I hope to meet Ernesto!! Maybe when he returns from his travels. I'll be sure poke my head out at the Front St. Pub this Thursday, and shake every inch of my ground etching beetle bum. I've etched my name throughout the U.S. and I love this band!!! bugs <[email protected]> - Friday, February 12, 1999 at 22:41:04 (EST) Nice one indeed. Cruz through do do... See you there. cruz booze - Tuesday, February 02, 1999 at 18:36:02 (EST) I make love yo you now damn you little ass fancy dame - Tuesday, February 02, 1999 at 03:09:12 (EST) Hello everyone, welcome to our new web site. It's great to be able to visit from my office overseas! Fealdt Productions is pleased to announce the continuing success of our well-known and much-loved trio L.A.G., whose influential soul and passionate groove has formed the backbone of Santa Barbara, California's famous Animal Liberation Orchestra. I would also like to thank the web developers at http://www.humanconnection.com for the excellent web site. It's truly amazing what they can do at such low prices. Please use our guestbook as frequently as you would like to post messages for all visitors at LAGmusic.com to see. Sincerely, Ernesto Fealdt. Ernesto Fealdt <[email protected]> Barcelona, Spain - Saturday, January 30, 1999 at 22:12:22 (EST) How to get a guestbook like this one. |